Faculty Info
Faculty Information
Faculty at GTB College is full of consummate professionals who are eager to teach the up-and-coming generations. We have put together a team of most qualified and deserving teachers that have years of experience in the medical line as teachers and as professionals as well. They come in with a positive attitude to not only teach the students but also to motivate them and encourage them to be curious about the profession they have chosen. Our teachers want the students to ask them about the medical profession to go outside of the book world and explode the avenues further more and create, discover and develop new medicine and techniques to help the whole world.
The staff at GTB College is among the best in all India, our ex-students have gone on to become well-renowned professionals in medical line. We motivate all our students to show their creative side and try to research and discover new things and take consultation and advice from your teachers whenever you need it. Teachers of our faculty are always ready to help and promote the research area. They are all experienced with use of medical equipment, machinery and strategies and can provide you with some real good insight on how things work in a medical institution and how to best treat the patients.
List of Faculty Members

Mrs Dr Raj Rani
Principal Pediatric Nursing
M.S.C Nursing
Designation & Seecialty: Principal Pediatric Nursing
Teaching Expreience: B.Sc. (N.)20 years, MSc. (N) 6 Years
Clinical Experience: 7 Yrs.
Programme Taught by the faculty: GNM & B.Sc.